I made Granita di Caffè without ever tasting it. I had tasted some really bad Granita in the City, but my friends from Italy said that you can't determine what Granita di Caffè should taste like from that garbage. Mine was delicous, but I had an idea how it was supposed to taste, and I needed to be sure. So, how do you find out that your Granita di Caffè is perfect? That's easy! You go to Tazza d'Oro in Roma across from the Pantheon, of course!
I had to resist all the other caffes offering Granita di Caffè con Panna all over the beautiful, very hot Eternal City. It was more than 10 Euros in Piazza Navona, which made it easy to resist. But, we found it for anywhere from 2.5 to 3.5 Euros in other places and it took all my will power not to try it. Then there it was, large and beautiful, the Pantheon. Amazing. And then I turned around and find the other destination - Tazza d'Oro. Nothing fancy by any means. Plastic cups, no tables, just lots of very hot people, mostly tourists, waiting on line for a pick-me-up of strong, sweet coffee ice with whipped cream.
So, how did my Granita di Caffè fare? YAY!!! I tasted it at the famous Tazza d'Oro and it mine was every bit as delicious! Needless to say, I was happy. Give it a try!
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